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tolerate everything in moderation

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Metal Mettle

You know I was hoping for tiles or a vanity.  Something that would be going towards finishing the bathroom project.  I've kind of slowed down.  Mostly because, no one is compelling me to finish it.  And I have have nothing to finish it with.  I did tape and apply thinset to the cement board seams above the tub on Saturday.
And then my sister calls, to say she wants to go back AGAIN to the One-of-a-Kind show.  There's no refusing in our house. An invite to go to this show is like giving a dog a meaty bone.  Except without so much drool.

And then I get a call while Kieran and I are out getting a christmas tree.  We did the half-dead potential fire hazard IKEA ones again, because I needed the coupon to purchase the light that is going into the cabinet in the bathroom.

I was hoping I could have gotten it the same day, but the coupon is good for after January 2nd.  I guess it spreads out their revenue.  If anyone is going to IKEA to buy a tree and not going to use that $20 coupon (if you spend over $75).  I'll gladly take it off their hands.

This is the tree we picked.  It's hard to know what it'll look like, but this was the only one where the bottom didn't look dead.  And I predicted that it would be more fuller around the bottom and we weren't disappointed.  It was the first tree we picked and carried it around comparing it to others.  But we couldn't find anything better.  And it looks like we made the right choice.

So I get another call as Kieran and I were hanging the tree in the garage to let it open up.  One-of-a-Kind related.  My initial response.  If I can't do #1 or #2 in it, forget it.  Tresa had shown me this artist's work before.  But photos are photos.  They don't always do it justice, except a photo saves you money.  I've never really understood art.  Because I can't use it in sports.  It's just there.

But art does something that I can't really explain.  It triggers memories and emotions that can start a conversation.  I guess that's why they are called conversation pieces.  Who knows?

But this is it.  Also those shortbread cookies above.  That's to lessen the blow of the bill.  I didn't care for the chipotle ones.  I had one and my taste buds weren't loving it, even with the coffee.

It's made of metal.  And James, the artist, brought it over.  We even showed him where it'll probably end up going.  And he was thrilled.  It was really nice to meet someone who was/is so genuinely excited about where his creation was going.  That it had a home it would be appreciated in.  It wasn't about moving products, something that he'd made and brought to life.  I get it.

And I wished I had remembered to take a photo with him.  Because how often do you buy a piece of art and the artist brings it over.  Usually never. He may or may not be there next year. And reps from the Peter Munk foundation approached him to do a piece.  And well it's kind of nice to know someone before they potentially become a big name artist. Dang it.  But I was a bit in awe of the piece.  Never owned a piece of art before.  Except my Litespeed bike.  You know what it takes to weld titanium?  Well, it's an exotic metal.

Also, hearing him talk about his background in finance and marketing and how art was something inside him that just needed to come out.  I can sort of relate.  But mostly admire, his boldness and gumption.  It's a risky and exciting adventure.

Some people love what they do.  Others do what they were born to do, and others dream and can't figure out what they want to do.  Creating art is a form of expression.  It's vague (to me) and can be anything.  But sometimes things can talk to you.  It may not be in words.  It could be though.  Like when something is just butt ugly.  But that could just be a feeling of disgust.  Somethings I just don't get.  In any case. This thing is steel.  It's pretty raw. How he talked about finding the right piece of steel with these discolourations.  It was an exploration, an adventure.

I could smell the faint hint of oil.  Reminded me of being in the machine shop back in University in 3rd year.   In any case, appreciation is one aspect of it.  And it only matters to you.  Someone else's opinion of it, means little.  Because it's yours.
It is ultra cool.  It was talking to me and I couldn't help admire it.  Touching it with the back of your hand is ok, because the oil in your finger tips will change it.  The discolouration is only on the surface, and it can be buffed away.  And it's character will be lost.  Also there is a thin layer of oil on it.

I had recommended to Kieran that he should get his letter to Santa done so it can go out Monday morning in the mail.  It didn't dawn on me his request to get me $100 because somehow he felt I'd need it.  It wasn't until I saw the VISA bill this morning. Ha.