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tolerate everything in moderation

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Year of the Rooster

Another year passes for Sukaboy.
Thanks to everyone that sent me a birthday wish.
Hey I even remembered to call my cousin and wish her a happy birthday, since her birthday is the same day.
Happy Birthday Cath!
That knock to the head must have unblocked something.
I'm on the road to recovery. I even got 60 SPF Umbrelle sunblock for my stitches so I can get rid of that gauze pad I've been using.

This is the year of the rooster. So my son and I are the same Chinese year. What a coinky-dink eh? Almost an Aries…but NOT QUITE! He delayed his birth long enough to move into the next animal. But he is an april baby. So Tresa got that at least.

cock a doodle doo!
That tuft of hair on the top of his head never goes down, no matter what we do.

Tresa brought me up to her parents cottage to rest and recover. This is public enemy #1. I had brought out some nectarines to eat and this critter snuck up on the table and took a bite out of one of them.

They tried to surprise me with a cake, but I was reaching for a beer in the refridgerator and saw the box.

So I played along with it until they called me into the kitchen and hung around outside.

I think if I had lost all of my teeth that this is probably what I'd end up looking like. But I'd have to pack on at least 100 more pounds. Right now I only have 1 chin.

We brought Kieran into the lake for a dip. He took a dump in his diaper so I cleaned his butt in the lake. Seemed pretty happy.

This is my first birthday as a new father. It didn’t matter to my kid that my nose was laced up with stitches or that it was broken in several places. That’s cuz he bopped me in the nose and head butted me without blinking an eye. And yet he still smiles and laughs at me regardless of the black eyes and swollen lips.
But these kids use all their senses to recognize their parents. Smell, sound, touch, taste as well as sight. So it still smelled like papa, so it must be him.
He’s now at about 14.5 lbs and 12-1/2 weeks old. He’s in the 95th percentile in terms of weight and 75th in size. But we were told that breastfed babies tend to be on the bigger side. Now if anyone has watched the movie “Supersize Me”, if we were in the good ol’ US of A. Where the A means Astronomically huge. Kieran would probably be much lower on the scale, probably scrawny. And the American pediatrician would think this kid should eat a few more big mac and fries combos to go!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at those chubba-bubba thighs!! I'm going to eat them up!


Sat Jul 16, 08:23:00 PM EDT


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