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tolerate everything in moderation

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Ee-aye-ee-aye Ohhh

Ol' McDonald had a farm...

I wasn't sowing any veggies or anything. The only thing thriving in our lawn were white grubs. And it was like Loblaws for the neighbourhood night critters.

So I was doing the weekend(s) warrior thing and turning over the lawn to lay down some new sod.
And this isn't even my lawn. It's my neighbour's lawn. This guy here. He's a project manager for a big consulting firm.

So you know he is trained for hard physical labour. I can't remember if I saw him on Sunday. But I think I did. Briefly.

But I was pretty beat the next day too.

We had done the hard part about a week and a half earlier. I had rented the tiller from Home Depot and began the process of getting rid of the old grass and clearing the roots from the "tree too close to the house" to prepare the lawn for new sod.

I had hoped the motorized tiller was going to reduce the amount of physical labour. But I was dreaming. It was an assumption that made an 'Ass' out of 'U' my neighbour and 'Me'. We both had no clue.

One thing we did learn was that we were never doing this again.

Now all we had to do was order the sod and the peat loom. There was a whole discussion about peat moss, peat loom and soil. I make no claim to having a green thumb.

Which is the reason I'm putting down a new lawn. We killed the old one.

But peat loom is topsoil and peat mixed together. Peat helps the soil to retain moisture. Our area is sandy, so the water just heads back to lake Ontario.

It was like laying down carpet tiles. I felt like a flooring professional.

Kieran was tired watching me work. This is how I felt on Saturday and Sunday.

But it was all done in time for Mother's day.
Flag pole was gone, now the weeds are gone.

I think most of the grubs are gone.
Cats are still coming around (I'll have to do something about that too).

Tresa wanted something green and weed free for Kieran to walk on. And astro turf wasn't what she had in mind.