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tolerate everything in moderation

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Casting call

I'm not sure how it happened, but these things happen. Two kids playing. Going full steam into a couch. Something's gotta give.

Anyways it was 'ouchy' for most of the night.

So off we headed in the snow to St. Joseph's pediatric emergency.
He didn't nap until we got home at about 4pm. So he was tuckered out. Actually so was I, but the shovel and work was still waiting for me to get to.

The put him in a splint that was really cool. It's this thick pad that they soak with water and it hardens like a cast. So at least he's not re-injuring it.

The x-ray's were negative, but since he's so young and still growing so fast. And they were concerned about the growth plates in his arm, they wanted us to come back the next morning (tomorrow at 7am) to go to the fracture clinic.

Hmmm...last time I was at the fracture clinic was when I went through the mini-van. This kids following in my footsteps too soon.

Anyways...he was a trooper. Didn't complain. No screaming or crying. And thank god...no smelly poops to change. Phew.