Grenadier Recital
The Christmas recital was at the Grenadier Retirement home across from High Park.
I like this spot better than the Bathurst and College church. And it was just nice for the seniors to get a concert by the kids in Dorothy's school.
Dorothy's daughter, Nora, is above tuning the violins for the little ones. Dorothy was on the piano keeping the speed and Nora on the violin leading the kids.
Lighly Row
Most of the little ones did about 6 songs. Songs that they have been playing since the beginning.
Marika and Max showed up wet as a cat. It was a cold wet rain this night. But we were happy to see them soggy or not.
Song of the Wind
Marika is the reason we got into Dorothy's school. She's our 1 degree of separation. And Kieran really likes her, he's progressed very quickly in the 9 months he's been taught by her. It seems like his focus has improved and a change in his maturity. He's still a goofy kid, but he behaves well around Dorothy.
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
There's something about music that seems to create a connection with Kieran. Learning becomes easier. It's the same with languages and songs. This is how the french assistants would help reinforce the french at school.
O Come Little Children
It's strange hearing Max's voice so low. Must be all the coffee he's drinking.
He needs a coffee maker and grinder for Christmas and maybe his birthday.
Jingle Bells
This song was our homework. We didn't have the Suzuki book yet so we figured it out, well most of it, on our own. Then I found it on the net and youtube.
Two of the older students sang. I wasn't sure about the Titanic song, I had heard them practicing it at Dorothy's, it sounded way better at the Grenadier, must be the acoustics.
The last song, O Holy Night, was done by Dorothy's son, it was great.
I liked the Grenadier. So much room. Tresa said they used to have boot camp there. But some old fogies would come and watch, and others would complain. So that stopped happening. Too bad, it's a great location.
Grenadier Recital photos
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