I was trying to get out to see both the Womens and the Mens, but unfortunately I only got to see the mens. Canadian Womens took home Gold and Bronze! And Men took home the Bronze.
I've never actually seen a cycling road race up close. It was exciting to watch. Especially on Olympus Ave. They got so close. I was literally inches away from a racer.
I didn't quite expect to get that close. I didn't want to be that person that knocked over a rider and have shame on me. And probably have the police take me away. That would be bad.
I was able to meet up with folks from Dark Horse Flyers and Lap Dogs. These people love cycling and they are such a great group of people altogether. Alvaro is a pediatrics doctor from Spain doing a fellowship here at Sick kids, that just happens to have a passion for cycling and joined the Flyers last year. He was only supposed to be here 1 year, but has stayed on for another year. It'll be sad to see him leave. But folks from all over come and go. One fellow from Australia just left a little while ago. Although I cannot remember ever riding with him.
I'm so glad I got to see this race. I ride this area when we do hills and you just can't compare yourself to a pro rider. They ride up the hill as fast as I can ride down it. But it is amazing to watch them do it.
I ran into Kieran's teacher Jim and his wife Janice so it was nice to see a friendly face and chat with them about the RTCC. I also ran into some of the Norco guys. Too bad Raoul could not come down to watch.
Mens Road Race Photos Alvaro's photos (turned out so much better than mine!).
I think the best photo I had was of the motorcycle rider going down. And taking the camera guy with him.
He just took the wrong line up the hill and popped it into neutral and he was going down.
Felt so bad. Saw the look in his eyes when he knew he was in trouble.
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