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tolerate everything in moderation

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Public enemy No 1 proof

This little guy is public enemy #1 here in TO.   Sometimes I wonder if the Waste management people are public enemy #1 re: our bins.  Since our garbage and recycle bins are damaged from the way they handle our bins.

We've had to bungee cord our compost/green bin to the chainlink fence because this cute little guy will knock over the bin to open the lid and have a feast.

I remember when this would happen almost weekly and I'd have to shovel everything back into the bin.  It was gross.
But then they replaced the latch on the little bin, but I still bungee corded it to the fence so they couldn't knock it over.

I think they've given up on ours because it hasn't happened for years.  So they go on to other neighbours bins instead.

We got this new bin last week.  And it's quite large.  The locking mechanism is different too.  Now all the seniors won't be able to open it.

They might think that you shove all the old food in the black part and end up breaking the unit.  There goes our tax dollars and CPP!

I'm wondering how long this unit will last with the abuse it takes from the garbage pick up workers?

I didn't put ours out since we have very little and just put the one bag into a neighbours bin.  This also saves me from picking up from critters knocking over bins since our bin isn't out there to knock over.  Clever eh?

Apparently it was designed to be taller because it would make it more difficult for the raccoons to knock it over.  But they travel in packs.  They'll figure something out.

It looks about the same size as our recycle and garbage bins.  Except when you open it, the bottom is actually just below that bar there in the middle.

I'm hoping that it survives the pick up.