Chapter 21
Our twenty-first (21st) anniversary coincided with K's first year of university. So many things going on these summer months that it's been all a blur.
The focus has primarily been on getting ready for the school fall term. From sorting out the RESP, to getting into residence, and preparing and packing, to getting used to the fact that he won't be in the next room for a while.
It'll be an adjustment for all of us. I'm sure he's looking forward to being on his own and feeling like an adult. I'd been thinking about this day since last fall. And it seems like the past 18yrs have happened so fast.But I know this will be a positive thing for all of us. He'll have to take care of his own laundry, getting his own food, taking care of his own health. He's on his own. We have had a bit of trial run when was away for 2 weeks in EU for a history trip and then for 3 weeks in Ljubljana with Slovenksa Sola. These next few months will build upon that. I'm looking forward to seeing his evolution leading to the next chapter of his life. No longer a kid, but a young adult.
This time in his own space with fellow TMU classmates & students. It'll be an adjustment to new surroundings - not just living space, but learning space and focus. I just hope he eats well and stays healthy, and has a great experience.The area around the residence isn't the nicest place in TO. But after seeing the building, the staff, how mature and well organized they were. I felt at ease as we left K there. It looked like he was in a good and safe place.
His residence is literally around the corner from where his classes would be, making me feel at ease if he is there late at night. And if he needs to come home, he's a subway ride away. I just hope he remembered to bring his key.
I'd wish him good luck. But luck has nothing to do with getting through first year unscathed. It's all about discipline, effort and organization. If he can find this in him, to light the fire that will drive his own success. Then I know he'll do fine. Better than fine.
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