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tolerate everything in moderation

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Doorways to heaven

After living in this house for 22yrs.  Knowing we wanted new front and side doors.  Finally today was the day.  I honestly didn't know if this day would come in my lifetime.  And I thought we'd get the front door replaced and then I'd be waiting another lifetime for the side door.  But they are both arriving today!

I must be the luckiest person on the planet.  2 for the price of 3 doors.

I know we went to Bauhaus doors, back in early 2000's.  Their doors alone were $5000.00. But doesn't include installation.  Which at today's rates. Seems reasonable for a custom door.   Pandemic pricing caused everything to double or triple. If you are willing to pay that price.  They will raise it.

Like that movie Field of Dreams ... Raise it, and they will Pay.

Our doors were hard to open, well the side door was, and they were leaky.  We could always feel cold air coming from the hallway.  And being solid doors, we always had them open and the storm door latched so that we could get some natural light in the hallway.  After all these years I can now replenish my vitamin-D stores.

I asked every year.  When are we getting doors replaced?  Response - I'm looking.   It wasn't a big deal.  Front door is definitely leaky, you can feel the cold air coming through in the winter time. And the side door was a bit hard to open and close.  There was definitely a technique to it. But I could not stand the side storm door.  It was a pain in the behind. 

Our renos are largely done.  I would have preferred to have them all done.  Before installing new doors to prevent any potential scratches or dings.  But the basement is still needing a new door to the laundry & tiles.  What can you do?  This is the way.  I have very little control over this schedule.   My control is limited to - will this ever get done? Not when it gets done.

I thought the process for getting a new door would take months.  As in, they take the old door out, then you have an opening, they measure for new door, then you wait many weeks for door to be manufactured, door is delivered and installed.  

They measured it in April, and 6 wks later it's here and they are removing the old doors and frames as I write this.

What a difference.  I'm used to the old door.  Where I could just pull it behind me and it would lock.  Convenient, but also the reason I've accidentally locked myself out many times.

The side door you could do that, but it was a bit of an issue with the locking mechanism and how it sat in the frame.   I hated the aluminum doors.  They were just a blast from the past.  It made the house have a 80s rental vibe.

The side door is clear.  It's a bit odd at night.  Cuz someone can look right into the house.  But at the same time it's nice because it's clear.

The front has the frosted glass.  It lets light in, but you can't see in or out.  The only thing that needs to be done is the trim on the inside.  We'll figure that out in good time.  Not a big job.

For now, I can enjoy these new door.  Even that robin on the roof approved!