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tolerate everything in moderation

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I want my, I want my .... P-M-P

After about a month of missing out on rides and other fun stuff in order to study and get this exam out of the way. I got my PMP. My Project Management Professional designation.

I was planning on writing this exam months ago, but I was so busy with work and we were going to Europe. I was waiting for the best time to prepare and write it. In the end, there was no best time, you just had to do it. Now it was summer and the nice weather was here and I had to spend it studying at a library.

It was 4 hrs of reading tricky questions. With 9 mins left remaining and reviewing my questions once more, I just thought click the 'end exam' button and go. I clicked it and the screen went blank for a moment. People were telling me that you will automatically know if you passed or failed. The next screen that appeared was a survey request. I thought to myself - I failed. CRAP! I clicked the option that indicated everything was great and clicked Done. Then....Congratulations on passing the PMP exam message came up. WOO HOO! Thank GOD. I was so relieved. The next thing I did was text message Tresa "I passed."

I was lucky, June and July weren't such a great months, it rained quite a bit and on July 20-22 I was fortunate or unfortunate enough to be summoned to be a juror. I'd never done it before but it's your civic duty to do it when called.

What do you do when you're summoned? You wait most of the time, in a large room with all the other potential jurors, between 8:30am to 4:30pm until the court is ready to interview you and determine if you are able to serve as a juror.

So I studied to pass the time. And got the bulk of my studying done during that week. And I moved my exam date from Aug 21 to Aug 1. I didn't even know you could move it up, I thought you could only move it back. But at the time when I booked it, the dates I wanted weren't available, so when I was basically very close to being ready I moved it up and went into overdrive studying. It was the perfect time, cause Kieran was up at the cottage for 2 weeks while daycare was closed for holidays.

On day 3 of my jury duty week. My group was finally called up to the courtroom. They'll ask everyone some group questions (like: do you know the victim or accused or anyone involved in the case?) So if anyone of these applies you get excused. The defense can also just say "no".

So what happens if you get selected to be a juror?
Being selected would have meant staying for weeks or months to juror a trial. In the end I wasn't selected. Phew. Now I'm exempt for 3 years. So if you get summoned. Check it out. Bring a few movies. Maybe a pillow.

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wed Aug 06, 01:10:00 PM EDT


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