Party like it's 2011
That mea
It's not like the old days when we were at Nathan Philips Square.
We had gotten sick over the holidays so staying in was something our bodies were telling us to do. I heard that what you do on New Year's eve is what you will do for the rest of the year.
Does this mean 2011 will be the year of Nyquil and Buckleys?
It was chilli night. So the spread was great.
Eventually it starts to get uncomfortable.
Then we broke out the cake and the candles. Kieran says he lights candles at school, but I'm not sure if it's with a match that is quickly burning its way down to the thumb. Anyways he lit 1.
With 30 secs to Midnight we switched to the CityTV countdown channel with lots of balloons. It was 12 deg C out. Yet we were inside feeling the chills.
Actually I was feeling better. I had been taking a pro-biotic since I started getting the abdominal pains and it was starting to make me feel like my old self.
He decided he wanted to make us a big breakfast. So he laid out everything that we normally eat for breakfast.
He made toast, brought out the utensils, dishes, butter, jus, milk, cereal. Only thing I had to do was make the pancakes. Then he rang the breakfast bell.
I am hoping 2011 is more like this. Or I have to wait til 2012?
Actually it was bowling to not get humiliated by the kids.
We were getting beat by a 5 year old.
Well I was.
But in the end I think I beat him out.
But then the hot dogs, fries and the toy machine where you can pick up stuffed fish toys was calling and the adults had 3 lanes to choose from. Bowling is a lot like golf, easy to do, hard to do really well.
And we stank.
Well they don't sell it in Canada.
At least not this bar.
It came across the pond.
Not the 7-11 on the other side of High Park.
This came from the UK.
Thanks Anne & Antonio. It's pretty yummy. Tresa and I finished it. I gave Kieran a piece too. It has no nuts. Good choice.
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