Jelly Fish Fields
Well that one on the ground is the first balloon from Kieran's bday party to lose it's flight properties.
We've been purging files left, right and organizing in the center of it all.
It was recycle week this week and we got rid of a lot.
We filled ours, and three of our neighbours bins to capacity.
It's amazing what junk mail we get from banks, utility companies, insurance, etc.
Now I know what to keep and what not to keep.
So does Tresa. She just purged out her 6th toe.
So now she's like Frodo of the 9 fingers.
Except now she's more normal. Except for the throbbing pain.
She got her bunion removed on Tues.
The drugs don't take away the pain. They knock her out cold.
Her operation took longer than expected, guess that 6th toe didn't get the memo. It was being evicted.
In any case. Her foot is wrapped up like a 90 year old with 5 layers of socks and sandals. There's a pin, actually 2 sticking out of her toes. You can only see 1 of them. I didn't put up a photo of it, since Tresa would club me with the crutches in my sleep, if I did. But I did take a picture, if anyone who comes and visits would like to see.
So she's 2 days since the operation. And she's got 3 months off.
If we didn't have a 5 spd transmission in the civic. She'd be off to Michigan and Buffalo.
And I'd be home talking to VISA.
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