Woke up to the smell of Oreo pancakes
I woke up to a kid calling me to come down and help him cook breakfast. And that he had almost everything ready. So I headed down. Saw that he was mixing stuff in a bowl. Not much of a mess either, actually virtually no mess, which impressed me considering we tie up the flour in a bag. He got it out of the cupboard, got a bowl and mixing spatula and went to work.
Flour, not sure how much.
Water. Not sure how much.
Milk...I watched him dump this in, but it wasn't measured.
Olive oil. 1-1/2 Tbsp. I put this in.
And Oreo cookies. 4 of them. He mashed up and put it in, not sure what he used to do that with.
Usually pancakes have eggs.
But Kieran's allergic to eggs. So I substitute oil in it's place.
Consistency was pretty good. Nice and thick. A little lumpy. But good.
Not too runny.
Until he dumped the milk in.
Then I had to pour some out. No harm done.
I warmed up the skillet and cooked them.
They didn't cook like the regular pancakes I normally make.
They didn't bubble and rise. They just sort of, coagulated and solidified on the skillet. Kind of like a cookie.
So I made sure I didn't over cook them.
I put them on a plate and served them up to Kieran.
I was thinking at first. Go to it man, this is your creation, you eat it.
But I thought. He's got school, don't want the school calling me to come get him cause he threw up black, white and yellow bits everywhere. So I put some maple syrup on the mini stack and took a bite.
To my surprise, they didn't taste bad or gross at all.
That is, unless I eat the remaining cookies.
Kieran took a bite of his pancakes and said "Hey, it tastes okay?"
I guess he was surprised as I was.
I made sure to give him all of his vitamins. And so did I. Just for an added boost to whatever these pancakes take out.
Then he asked for toast.
We'll leave the rest for mama.
Oreo Pancakes come and get it.
That's awesome! a kid that cooks! (teasing but don't stop him)..chuckles...
Oreo pancakes I've never heard of before,but--hm...they sure sound yummy.I'll have to suggest them to my daughter:)
Fri Apr 15, 08:55:00 PM EDT
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