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tolerate everything in moderation

Saturday, June 03, 2017

My Barista Son

I've been showing Kieran how to use the espresso machine.  It's easy.  Cuz I DO IT!
Now it'll be easy because someone ELSE can DO IT for ME!

I figure if he can get comfortable using our machine at home, he can apply for a job at Starbucks or Second Cup or some non-franchise place.

So I've shown him how to do it in the mornings and how much cream I put in.  Of course when he goes to really learn how coffees are made, it'll be slightly different but at least he has tried and seen that it's not so hard.

Our machine has a built-in grinder which grinds the beans and puts it into the pot. You can adjust the amount, but I've got it set so that it puts just the right amount in and the pressure is consistent.

I've had him do the setup of the pot with the tamper and locking it in place.  It's quite easy.  And not just cuz I DO IT!

I've explained the steaming of the cream.  But today was the first time he's actually done it on his own.  Most mornings when I ask him to turn on the coffee machine he sets everything up for me in my cup with the cream and all i have to do is steam it and push the button for my morning to begin!

But today is a Sat-yay! day.  He made me my cappuccino after soccer practice.

It was so good.
Because I didn't DO IT!

It's always better when someone else does it for me!
Keep calm and drink ON!