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tolerate everything in moderation

Saturday, May 07, 2005


Well one of our own is getting married in less than a month. He's the guy in the middle with the pink shirt and white belt that matches the white shoes. He's a cross between Herb Tarlek and Fez and he typically likes being surrounded by guys. And I'm not sure why the three of us on the right are leaning like that. Must be Duane's animal magnetism, or the lasting effects of Mt. Pinatubo volcanic explosion.
Actually now that he's getting married, we know he's not bak-la. Meaning he's straight. We were never quite sure. Cause if I'd had my digital camera way back when we were young, he used to come over to my parents' house wearing a white shirt, cut-off jeans, grey wool sweatsocks and construction boots. Can anyone spell Y-M-C-A. Going to the Y-M-C-A!

I don't know how he does it but he's always got some wacko guy behind him. Must be the cologne - au de beer.

Here he is doing his famous runway walk. Remember Right Said Fred? "I'm too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts..."

Can you guess where FEZ's right hand is? Here's a hint. Duane isn't smiling for the camera.
And see those special glasses on Hong's head? They help him find his golf ball in the trees and/or water. He wears his glasses on his head cause he hits his ball so far into the trees and/or water that he can't find them.

If you look where his butt is pointing. That's his boss.
Just call him Ben Dover - he's always looking for balls in someones bag.