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tolerate everything in moderation

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

NYC Babysitter

Here is our first trip to NYC with Kieran and everything else that he needs. Diapers, wipes, change pad, stroller, Baby Bjorn, etc. It was a bit tough getting out of the house because our schedule really depends on this dude. He decided to sleep in so we got a late start. Which was okay. We kind of wanted to see what it was like going into NYC with a kid. It was harder than just the two of us, but not impossible.
Kieran's first train ride. Seeing that I'm an engineer an all. He seemed really excited.
This was our american roomate. We met her during our first travels in Thailand. Now we can't get rid of her (just kidding). She's now our volunteer NYC babysitter. He tested her out by sneezing on her and drooling down her arm. She said it was nothing, so that was good. Wait till he pees and poops on her.

This is just outside Columbus Circle station. A lot of NYC is not stroller friendly. There weren't any ramps to make the station accessible. Good thing our Maclaren was light. Not sure how we'd fare with a big a$$ Graco, or Bug-a-boo. Even the stores were tough to get around. I don't know how the handicapped folks with wheelchairs get around. Tresa saw a lady in a wheelchair being helped up the steps by 3 guys. It's funny because there are handicapped entrances or gates down in the subway, but the ramps are no where to be seen.

From the 4th floor of Time Warner Center, there were seats overlooking a balcony with a view of Central park. Believe it or not, someone was even using that statue as a throne. Good thing he didn't try to flush.
And there's a garbage bin way in the back of the photo, that I used to stuff a couple of dirty diapers.
Happy after a poop and a feeding. Not necessarily in that order.
The view of Central Park. Tresa and I were talking about how we don't really have anything this scenic in Toronto. We were trying hard to think sights to see in and around TO. Other than the CN tower, Casa Loma, what else is there?

He was so excited with the view that Kieran had to take a nap.

Not sure if you can see this but there's a really upscale bar just behind us and a steak place on Tresa's right. The thing with the 'V'.
And that bright looking thing on Tresa's right is a piece of art with a sticker of $22,000.00 USD.

We made it around NYC okay. But as always were were maxing out our time and rushing to cat the train. With the kid in the stroller sleeping away, Tresa and I were zooming down the stairs and ramps and escalators trying to catch the train. Then as we caught the train, getting a seat that can handle the space for the stroller was another matter.
We noticed overall that while riding the subways, and the train, people were pretty helpful, offering us their seats and helping us out with Kieran, chit chatting with Kieran. It was tough hauling a baby around, but overall it was pretty pleasant, people were friendly on the subway, offering us their seats and helping us out since we had Kieran.

The highlight of my day was a coffee and a hot fudge brownie at Macy's. YUM! I would have taken a pic, but Tresa had my camera.