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tolerate everything in moderation

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Welcome to the Pearly Gates

Sorry for the long wait between blogs. It's been really busy lately. We had the christening, we had the cottage, work has been crazy. Well not really crazy, but it's been a transition for me. Trying to figure out which direction to go in. Who to contact. What to do. Dis dat and dee odder ting.

But here we are at Holiday Gardens. Not much of a holiday, but at least it didn't rain and the kids had a lot of fun.

Hey who you calling a nose picker?

The other white meat. A little bit of dark meat, but still white meat.
Is this really crack?
Really, this is all free Ninie! Said auntie Diana.
A free for all at the desert table. Where'd all this asians come from?
Hey man, that baby's picking his nose.

Quit picking your nose or I'll crush your head.

This guy's got really long nose hairs. Get me outta here!

Hey he was good, he didn't stick his finger up his nose throughout the the whole thing.

And this isn't all of us either. Somebody's gotta take the picture.

Her side.

Mostly my side. And just the kids.

Mama is watching closely. Don't stick the finger up the nose.
Look to the light. The light is good. Follow the light.

Baka and Dedek.
He looks like a puppet. Sort of like Chuckie.
You sure that this is cocaine?
I'm so ashamed. Please don't watch me eat.