Stuttgart & Metzingen
I was glad to have returned the rental car and back walking around.
It was a tiring Tour and a latte was what I needed.
And a nice relaxing breakfast, I was getting tired of hotel food, and eating every other hour with a beer or coffee. I was stuffed.
Hugo Boss.
This was the factory outlet in Metzingen. It was huge. And we managed to come out with a lot of nice stuff from there. We didn't buy a lot, but what we did buy, was nice.
Ya, we did alright. Thumbs up.
Thanks Martin for taking us around. He's a good husband.
We went to a scenic point, where there was a young couple there also enjoying the view, but I think they preferred if we weren't there.
North Americans as a whole could learn a thing or two from the Europeans. Driving is one thing. And not being so excessive with buying everything is another. I think we have so much space here in North America that bigger always seems better. Remember it's quality not quantity. Be more green and take care of the little space you have and it'll feel that much larger.
And on top of it all I got to see the center of the universe.
It was time to head home.
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