Tour of Duty - Maribor, Slovenia
I saw only a limited bit of it since we were behind schedule and we needed to be back to the hotel by a certain time for a treat. Food from the Prekmurje region where Tresa's dad's from.
I thought that we had been eating food from his region. We stop for coffee and a snack and then a little while later we stuff ourselves with something else, plus a beer.
This ice cream shop in Maribor was really good. The ice cream was almost a bit like gelato but way better.
Kieran was happy.
We almost ate out of a vending machine cuz we were behind schedule.
We ended up eating at Tresa's cousins.
This is Maribor. Tresa's cousins took us on a gondola ride to the top of this ski hill which is open for downhill mtn biking in the summer. Looks almost like the Maribor map I took a picture of in the morning.
We stopped for coffee here too.
And when we took the gondola back down to the base we had supper.
And a beer, and wine.
It was a lot of food. Plus we had to be back at the hotel to eat some more.
Maybe I should have bought a larger suit?
Anyways we made it back, but I was stuffed, and it the Prekmurje night wasn't exactly what Tresa's dad expected. There was a wedding reception that night too was higher priority. So the Prekmurje spread wasn't as big as he would have liked. Not sure how he could have eaten any more we just ate a big meal less than an hour before.
Then we had more wine and coffee and Kieran had an ice cream, usually they have it as part of dinner, but tonight because of the wedding they didn't and so we had to buy an ice cream bar.
Click me for more Maribor photos
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