I beat the snow
I beat the snow. That was my goal. I think Mother Nature sensed that I was done my project and opened the heavens and let it snow.
We had a green Christmas. It was wet too. It was cold but no snow. What had fallen before was a light dusting and melted a day later.
Yesterday the snow came and stayed. It started snowing on Sunday, when I was cleaning up the basement laundry room preparing for the reveal. And snowed more on Monday.
Looking forward to skating at the park and riding my bike on the trainer indoors.
Too bad the Junior's lost in OT, otherwise it would be icing on the cake. But hey they got the silver and have won it 5 previous years. Gotta break the streak sooner or later.
It's like Haley's comet when you see one of these on the road.
It's a Chevette. The last American icon car that was built with any sort of quality. They don't make em like this any more.
Snow shovel suits Tresa very well...:)))
Easy & Co
Ray, could you please send me your address...thanks in advance!
Thu Jan 07, 06:03:00 AM EST
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