Learn to Skate
So Tresa, this season, found this CanSkate program at the West Toronto Skating club over at McCormick arena. So we signed him up. I wasn't sure if his skates would still fit since we've discovered he needed size 10 shoes. And his skates were a size 8. But skates should always be smaller than your shoes and the same applies for kids. I took him and our old skates to SportChek and SportMart and both guys helping me out with skates said that his current skates were perfect size for this season. Too big and they w
These skates were marked at $30.00 plus an additional 50% off. So I told the cashier that the guy over there told me these were 50% off, so $15.00, which was a steal. She asked the guy and he nodded. And she proceeded to punch into the register $15.00 + 50% off. So $7.50 + tax. Woo HOO! I was thinking what else do I need? This cashier was like out of an Ikea commercial. START the CAR!
So 14 weeks later. Noticeable improvement in his skating. He's able to get up on his own, he is now using his edges. His report card was a mix of E's, G's, S's and NI's.
There's a comment there that he needs to work on following instructions. Ah well. Must have been when he was down on the ice and scraping his cage on the ice. Him and one other kid were the two smallest kids in the group. We knew he wasn't always listening as we watched his classes, we'd badger him to listen, but we stopped he's only 4 he wants to play. But, hey as long as he was having fun skating, that's what matters.
Click me for more photos
And after the students had their 5 mins of mini olympic trials, there were skating performances by the WTSC members. I didn't take any photos of this, but it was very good. There was even a really young ice dance pair. Wish I had taken pics because they were all impressive. And also because Kieran said he didn't want to play hockey but he wanted to figure skate instead.
And afterwards there was pizza, food and drinks for all. And the ice was open for all to go skating.
It's better he falls down now and learns to skate versus learning later in life. As a little kid his bones are still flexible. I've seen him and other kids fall on their bum and wince in pain. You get so used to them falling with a diaper that you expect them to be all smiles. But no diaper and less padding and a less baby fat to cushion the fall equals pain. But it's way better than learning later on in life when falling can lead to pain plus broken bones or missing teeth.
Bravo Kieran! Greetings from Slovenia
Wed Dec 16, 03:13:00 AM EST
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