Living in a vacuum
I've been
The stairway and hallway are done.
The grass has been cut.
The tires rotated.
Now the vacuum cleaner has been fixed.
Our trusty old vacuum cleaner is, I think about 15 years old.
Lower wand $39.99
Lower body $62.99
Total w/tax $116.37
Satisfaction of not getting ripped off in service and saving something from going to landfill...Priceless.
A new vacuum equal or better to what we currently have, will run min. $500.00 plus tax.
DIY and FIY (Fix It Yourself) isn't about being cheap. Some things aren't worth fixing. But much of the new stuff today, doesn't last as long as the stuff from years past. And they are designed to be replaced by the new and improved model. It's business.
Big Corporations need you to buy new stuff so that their CEO's can get million dollar bonuses so they can buy a new Land Rover, or bigger yacht or that island in the the south pacific. They can't live in a 10,000 sqft home you know, it's just too small to hold their egos. They can't fly's just wrong to mingle with the common people.
DIY and FIY is about learning to do things for yourself. Take as much responsibility and ownership as possible. Reduce, reuse and recycle....and repair. It just means one less vacuum cleaner in the land fill.
Now I can go get my hair cut.
And Kieran's too, when they come back from the cottage.
Click me for more photos
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