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tolerate everything in moderation

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

The mid-century mark

Pretty significant milestone was reached today.  And it's been celebrated since Good Friday.  That was the first cake and birthday wishes.  That one caught me off guard too.

Then it was into the middle of Easter weekend and bringing an ice cream cake has it's challenges.  Mostly because I was afraid of it melting.  Ice cream cake #1 made it to my sister's intact and i got the bigger one, simply because there's more people.  That one was devoured.  When you have so many little kids, it's easy.  They are like little ice cream piranhas, bring ice cream into a room and it's not leaving. By the end of the night I was tired from just driving around.  I even managed to squeeze in changing to my summer tires.  However it snowed on Tues.  Wasn't expecting that.

If you wanna know what it says.  It's "Chika-boom chika-wow wow Birthday Mama!"

Sunday, we had 2 cakes!  We brought an ice cream log cake, even though we knew there was going to be the usual strawberry shortcake there.  We just like the ice cream cake.  This was now our 3rd and 4th cake.  Whoosh!  I was getting full just recalling.  We still have the strawberry shortcake in the fridge, if anyone is looking to pad that layer or fat around the belly.  It's still chilly out you know.

But the day has finally arrived.  And we were surprised by something as we made our way to school this morning.  It kinda scared me, because in the city, racoons or skunks digging in your lawn for food isn't uncommon.  I just saw these things out of the corner of my eye, and I had to jump a bit, and said 'whoa'.  Then I went 'uh oh'.  This was done in the middle of the night. But then an earthquake could hit and we'd sleep right through it.  Good thing we are in the middle of the Canadian Shield.  Although we've personally experienced an earthquake.  One our neighbours called us in the morning saying he'd seen it when he arrived home from night shift at 6am.

So this is a gift from Rose and Helena.  I know it's from Rose because when she sends us a Christmas card that's how she spells my name 'Garcia'.  It's close enough I suppose.  I could always pretend I'm the Mexican flooring guy working for Joe. HA.  The other reason I know it's her, is she'd also sent me a photo like this a few weeks before, but I thought it was photoshopped. Tresa's sister Helena asked me for a photo of our front lawn and I thought she was going to just photoshop it and send it back to me.   I didn't think it was for real.  Now I know what those people who have a Stork sign on their lawn feels like, but this is a slightly different occasion, although a big milestone too.  Hey if you've made it this far...well..you've made it this far.  Sort of like that George W saying 'fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice...' well you get the drift.

Not sure how long this is here for.  But Tresa should be glad we are on the dead part of a dead end street.  The shoes and bags are correct, but Tresa doesn't bake.

Happy Birthday.

FYI.  It was gone this morning.  Like it was never here! ooooohhhhh!