3 Little Piggies Brick House
3Piggies: Not by the hair of our chinny chin chins.
I'm thinking that they got this idea after they saw me put bricks back into the house to cover the old range hood vent hole.
Yahvi said it was so cool what I was doing.
I never thought what I was doing was cool. Just something that needed to be done. Glad we have great neighbours for me to ask. And I'll always be grateful for that.
So they took all the leftover bricks that we had from our window sills to build their own house.
This is version 2.2.
Version 1.0 was a disaster. They built it on the driveway and it was a sloped foundation and they stacked the bricks wrong so it was very tippy and fragile.
I pointed out to them that they needed to stack it like the way the garage bricks are laid.
And I had them relocate their house to the corner of the pad and used another piece of something that I got from my brother for one side of their Brick House. That way we can make the other sides taller and they can physically sit in their house.
They even made it homey. Kieran took the vine clippings to soften the roof.
They have had crafting sessions, making art that they hung on one of the walls.
They took an old egg carton to make bug sculptures.
What kid needs TV or electronics when they have their own imaginations?
This is awesome.
They even put a house number on it.
Brick House #3735
The first evening they were in there till it was dark. So I gave them some LED lights to use has they played the Game of Life.
They've even had meals in this house.
Video: Brick House
They even had a showing.
I'm gonna list this house on MLS.ca
Those are my bricks.
Version 2.0 was a success.
V2.1 has a truss to support the roof.
V2.2 has a zip-tied hinge door. Kieran's packing tape to the bricks wasn't cutting it.
This house even has a garage.
It's a cardboard box on the other side of the house.
And get this, there's even a shower.
Of course it's not inside.
I made this yesterday. I saved our old shower just for this purpose.
So the kids can play or wash up in the driveway on a hot day.
Video: Outdoor Shower
Of course there's only cold hookup. I'll have to think about how to get the water warmer. Maybe I'll look for a solar powered heater.
Every kid deserves a playhouse. Even better they built it themselves. Kudos for being creative!
Fri Jun 20, 12:49:00 PM EDT
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