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tolerate everything in moderation

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I dub thee Suka Day

I was trying to think of a happy place while I was recovering today.
I did go suka today. I was true to my Sukaboy namesake and did the real thing on my birthday.

Let's see. I called my cousin. It's her Suka-day too. But she wasn't making suka. Lucky duck. I wrote on her wall before she did. HA! BEAT you.

Tresa started the Suka day yesterday. I thought I had dodged a bullet, but the bullet turned into a guided missile and did a 180 right for my poopek.

I wish for a fast recovery. Please let this 24hr stomach flu be that. 24 hrs. No more like last time. It was 6 days of hell.

Happy birthday to ME!
Maybe I should take a raincheck.