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tolerate everything in moderation

Monday, December 12, 2011

Night Sky

These are glow in the dark stickies, I got from my brother.  This is at 7am.  These things hold the energy imparted to them from the light for an amazingly long time.

I asked Kieran if he wanted me to cut out stars, because that's very conventional.  Ceiling, dark, skies, stars.

With the leftover pieces he used to create neater stuff.  I just lifted him up and he placed them on the ceiling.
The top one is a Pokemon character.  Can you guess what it is?
Then the other two are a fish and a shark.

The light coming in from below is from the hallway.  But the door was only slightly open.  Took this with my f2.8 17-55mm E-FS canon lens slightly zoomed in.  I love it!