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tolerate everything in moderation

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

High Park Zoo Bake Sale

Many of the zoo's in TO are in financial trouble and the city is planning on moving the animals, to some other city's zoo perhaps, in order to make plans to shut it down, if they can't figure out how to pay for the zoo's operating costs.

But people are rallying to try and save the zoos.  Even the kids.
We had made some rice crispies to donate to the bake sale some kids at school were having to raise money to save the High Park Zoo.  But Kieran was going to miss it because of an asthma clinic appointment.  So I'd made a batch that afternoon and put a sign saying High Park Zoo bake sale - 10c each square, so that he at least had something.
He then decided he want to bake muffins for his own bake sale.  But we made cookies instead since we had a roll.  But the next day he and Tresa made muffins from scratch.  And he set out to sell his wares on the street.  I'm not sure why today, there was tons of fluffy stuff floating in the air.  I said it might not be a good day to sell food on the street.  But he was busy making his sign and putting his table out for all the passerby people on our dead end street.  So we got the saran wrap out and wrapped each square, cookie and muffin so it wouldn't get any fluff on it.

His table sign is a little difficult to make out, but it reads:
 "Fun goods, in the morning and afternoon"
Afternoon was spelt "afterns" but I understand my son's phonetic code.
Yahvi's sign is much easier to read and spelled correctly.

Instead of waiting for people to come by, he, Yahvi and Samatva quickly targeted people on the street and with Yahvi's sign they would pitch the sale.  I thought hey, this is better than the lemonaid stand he and kuya did a few years back.  Maybe they'll do it again this year.  But with more products.

Then when they saw the other kids down the street, the 3 of them took off to do their sales pitch.  Then there was a small mob.  And they bought most of it.  Glad they bought the muffins.  They were kinda chewy.  I didn't want to have it with my coffee the next morning.

A lot of times the table was unattended.   Samat was suppose to sit there and guard the food, but he took off with them too.
I was saying to Sonal, that I would never have done this as a kid.  These are skills that will be important down the road.  The initiative, the execution, the public speaking.  These are life skills that need to be developed in a way that is fun for them.

They sold everything.  It was impressive.  Auntie Jessie donated $5.00 to their cause.  I think they raised almost $15.00.  That's cause I paid him $5.00 for a cookie that morning.  It was cheaper in the morning.

Kieran brought in his bake sale money to school the next day.  And since he and Yahvi did this together, his teacher said that they deserved the Save the High Park Zoo sign that the class had done.  I'm just glad people ate the muffins.

Blogger cboaater said...

You're off facebook!? What happenned, did I offend you?

Fri Jun 15, 06:46:00 AM EDT

Blogger Ray said...

No man, I was just tired of it, just really tired of it.

Fri Jun 15, 06:58:00 AM EDT


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