Caledon KOS 2012
Kieran was on his own this year. I couldn't even help him setup in the transition area! They are trying to teach/train the kids to setup their race. It threw me for a loop. But he was good. Relaxed and calm and he setup everything on his own. It's good to have done these races before. Experience is everything.
I was hoping Kieran would do front crawl for his 3 lengths, but he started on back stroke and was doing very well until he and the kid he shared the lane with collided at the other end of the pool. Once they sorted out the confusion, the volunteer gave Kieran a noodle which slowed him down so much. I was trying to yell that he didn't need the noodle, but I had lost my voice. I was sick. A few days later I visited my family doc and he said I had pneumonia.
In any case. I toughed it out. Kieran finally got to his bike and he transitioned okay. He didn't struggle with anything except for his socks. Found out later he only put one on and the one that was on, was only covering his toes and jammed in his shoe.
He rode on the bike for a long way. I was wondering if he went off course, but there should be marshals telling him to turn around. Then I saw him coming back.
He dumped his bike, in a spot that wasn't his spot in the transition area and took off on the run. No penalty. Off for 1/2km run. With one sock jammed in his shoe. He ran the whole thing. I could see from far away that he was running the whole time.
He needs to work on his strength. I see it. He's got all the skills, to place very high. He was 63 secs from being in the top 10.
Kieran placed 18th overall out of 39 kids, and 17th out of 27 in his division.
Only 1 girl beat him...Just barely.
He's in the top 1/2 almost. Middle of the pack, kinda like me. And that's without really trying to hard. I know he's just trying to make it to the finish.
It's so exciting to see him race. My heart was racing. And it's not elevated because of my body fending off a virus. Cuz I measured it 2 days later and it was 63 BPM resting.
I only wished I could have cheered him on. I had no voice, but I tried.
He did very well.
He's got a calm demeanour when he races. That's a good thing. Or he was just tired when he finished. He did it and had fun. I had fun, watching him.
It was cool. Even if I was under the weather.
Did you get off facebook mate?!
*good for you ray, *good for you.
ob chit!
Wed Jun 13, 10:01:00 PM EDT
I did! It just seemed pointless.
Wed Jun 13, 10:10:00 PM EDT
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