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tolerate everything in moderation

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Grocery gopher

Grocery shopping is a little different nowadays. Tresa would sniff something and we skip that item. I don't think she even went into the meat section at all. I went and bought some chicken to cook for dinner. Turkey and chicken meat seemed to offend Tresa the least. We've been eating a lot of pizza lately. Not sure when it started or why that is. But it's something that Tresa finds comfort eating. Comfort food, you know like Nibs, twizzlers, what else, oh ya, Butterfingers, chocolate covered almonds, stuff like that.

The odd thing was we were in the fruits and veggies section of the No-Frills near our house and she got a bag of mixed salad. I'm thinking. We have a ton of lettuce in our backyard. Why did she buy this bag? She said she saw the grated carrots and had to have it.

Do you ever get into a grocery lineup and wait and it's moving pretty quickly, then there's a holdup because of some person requires a price check on an item or the paper ran out. And you look to see who they are and you think. The other checkout lines is moving we could've been in that line and be on our way home by now. DAMN YOU for wasting my life away in this god forsaken queue.

Just an FYI that person causing the delay is us. We have a habit of lining up and then realizing we had forgotten something, that's when we do the "Price check on #7" delay. Usually I get told to "Hold On" and I look at the clerk with a glazed look in my eyes, because it's better than looking around and having people shoot laser beams from their eyes at me. Tresa seems to wear clothes made of lead, cause she's immune to it. So in this case, I did the running and looking for the packs of gum or popsicles or whatever we forgot.

I headed to the gum isle and I looked and looked, the isle was ransacked. I sort of felt like I was Indian Jones looking for eye of Annubis. Nothing, I thought. It's got to be here. I know it. Then I found one! I brought back fire cinnamon flavour, thinking doubtfully she's not going to want this. She looked at it. She didn't even need to sniff it. It was wrapped in plastic and sealed. No air can escape. No smell, nothing. How can she know she won't like it.? I came back to the checkout 2 or 3 times because the flavour of gum I brought back would make her gag. There was no more. I had nothing. I felt like a failure. I was on a mission and I HAD FAILED to GET GUM. Oh well.

She said she'd get the gum tomorrow.

But we did manage to get some Halloween candy and bananas, no more apples still have 5-1/4 bags of courtland, golden delicious...what else, mutsu. I don't know anymore apples are apples. I haven't seen the Nibs package open yet. Good sign. The waiting game is on. One of us will cave in. I just don't know if it'll be me, Tresa or the kid's cravings.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember: Think about what you don't have BEFORE you get in line.

Thu Oct 28, 10:53:00 AM EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Easier said than done. Plus you can always think about what you don't have. Some things are more a 'WANT' rather than a 'NEED'.

For example:
'I NEED to get off my butt and clean'
'I WANT to get off my butt and clean'

Which one will drive you more to actually doing it? It depends on the situation and your personality.

Sometimes things that you need are in the forefront of your mind. And other times things that you want are at the top of the list. And other times you just forget.

Thu Oct 28, 01:30:00 PM EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I WANT to do when I'm standing in behind
Line-offenders is to start throwing my ripe tomatoes at their heads.

What I NEED, however, is for them to be curtious and get out of line and let me ahead of them since I'm organized and ready to pay.

If people drove liked they shopped, the world would be one giant parking lot.


Thu Oct 28, 05:14:00 PM EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya man! Let's get all that bitterness out that you've been keep inside. OUT. OUT!!! GET OUT!

Thu Oct 28, 10:02:00 PM EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah, not bitterness. Just extreme frustration. Like when I walk to work in NY. And there's always someone walking at a snail's pace and they won't move over so I can get buy them. Or when tourists stop in front the subway entrance and clog it all up and people keep trying to push through and they still won't move. Or when people break my stride cause they stumble aimlessly across the sidewalk blowing their cigerette smoke in my face.

The world's greatest crime is indifference.


People don't care.

Fri Oct 29, 12:03:00 PM EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya I know, most people don't care. They just sit on their butt and watch soaps all day.


Fri Oct 29, 07:19:00 PM EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's why you go in pairs...makes life easier, one to line up while the other runs around. Me, I shop by myself if I forget something I just leave the cart/basket whatever and run to pick it up. Besides once I've paid I don't remember what I forgot to pick up until I'm outside!

Fri Oct 29, 07:36:00 PM EDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya if you've forgotten it, it may not be that important.
A quote from Jackie:
"If Wal-Mart don't carry it, then you don't need it!"


Sat Oct 30, 09:16:00 AM EDT


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