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tolerate everything in moderation

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Harry Potter and the Non-stop Talker

Derrick thinks he's a knock off of Harry Potter. I think he got bumped in the head way too hard. Harry Potter is a kid. Derrick is like middle-aged.
So here we are, Harry Potter and the Non-stop Talker.

Look it's Dobby. Sometimes he becomes Gollum.

Harry tries to get Dobby off the bed. Stop Dobby, stop! Go and get me some Guinness.

The Non-stop Talker is going on and on and on. Hermione can't get in a word, she tries but her tongue has become twisted. Kreacher is hypnotized and his eyes are closing. Juan doesn't understand english so he's just being polite and looking interested.

We all can't believe he hasn't stopped talking. So we just try to enjoy the beautiful day and ignore him.

Harry Potter and his nice socks and sandals. He thinks that it will ward off evil incantations and curses from the Non-stop Talker. But really, it just looks odd.

Even Kieran can't believe he hasn't stopped talking.

While the Non-stop Talker goes on and on, Ginny and Hermione take a break and hit the dessert table.

Even Juan Valdez from Colombia took a break from picking coffee beans and enjoyed a cup of Tim Horton's coffee.
"Must be Canadian, EH!"

Finally the Non-stop Talker takes a short break.
Man his feet stink.
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