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tolerate everything in moderation

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A new day dawning

It was the first day of school.
Day numero uno of Montessori. I should be saying it in francais.

le jour un de montessori.

Everything was cool until we turned into the parking lot of Kieran's new school.
There was no convincing him that this was a good thing.
I just agreed that it was okay to be scared and said I was scared too when my mamma dropped shipped me at school.

They bring in two new kids per day at school. Which is smart. It would be the end of the world if all the new kids were dumped at the same time. There wouldn't be enough kleenex in the world to wipe the tears or the runny noses.

In any case I was feeling a lump in my throat too. I knew it would be a tough morning for him. It was a new surrounding, new people, new language. No more Ukranian music. Now it was french for 8 hrs. More rules, more structure, more learning.
It was a good thing for him. He needed to start school. And I needed to go to work.
I could just picture him looking at the teachers speaking french to him. I should teach him how to say - 'je ne comprends pas'.

So like I said, there's lots of rules. Which is good. Structure is good.
Parents are not allowed in the classroom or cloakroom, I broke this rule. What can I do with a crying kid attached to me like a cat in a boat in the middle of the lake.
I'm surprised he let me take of his shoes and put on his indoor ones and take off his jacket, in the cloakroom. All the assistants were telling me this rule - en francais. To which I nodded - I know I broke the rule.

It was like I was sending him off to the fields to work and make bread or something. The attendant in his Casa was there and she took him and his epi-pen and list of allergies, which I was thinking of attaching to the back of his shirt. I gave him a kiss and let him know that mamma was going to pick him up later, and left. I wanted to take a video or photo to document the day. But decided against it or all the attendants would be chastising me en francais forever.

As I was leaving I saw his teacher. She asked how did it go.
I said - good. He's bawling his eyes out.
He'll be okay in 5 mins, maybe 30 mins, tops.

Tomorrow is jour deux. I'm wondering if he'll put 2 and 2 together and realize where we are going.

Blogger vikash said...

Your post brought memories of my first day in school. First time away from the coziness and safety you feel at home, i had cried a lot. I thought they will jail there and never let me back home.

Fri Sep 12, 10:34:00 AM EDT


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