My Lucky Christmas
For chRistmas time with family or how some asians say it - fama-Ree.
For maRketing and commeRcials.
For Ransacked and tRaffic and RetuRns and Refunds and sometimes shhhh.....Regift.
For Rest and Recovery.
Where marketing commercials blitzes and crowded malls and website slowdowns and online crashes are common now.
It's so chaotic and stressful.
Well more for Tresa than for me. She does all the shopping. I just see the bill. Which I think is more than a fair barter. It takes a trooper to venture out into crowded parking lots, traffic jams, ransacked stores and find and evaluate a potential gift and maybe a cold and flu virus or two.
All Kieran and I do is shower, get cleaned up, brush our teeth and get dressed to go to our respective family houses. And we say our 'merries', eat, drink, chat, eat some more and hugs and kisses goodbye for another season. Whether it be easter, mother's day, father's day, thanksgiving, someone's birthday whatever.
I can't remember if I was sick last year. But this year I got the flu shot in Nov. I had to finish the basement. That was priority number 1. And that was my christmas gift to us to be able to enjoy the space, but more so for me to finish and relax. Now I wish Elte would deliver us our couch sooner rather than later.
I was doing fine until about a week ago and I was feeling slightly unwell. But a few days later I was feeling a touch of the cold, played hockey to sweat it out and then played again and now I'm congested. So I'm number 3 in the house to get sick. But no flu. Which is not too bad. Flu for me spells lights out.
I should have taken a picture of the kids playing pictionary. This game is so stressful. But great for the brain. I'm glad to be a part of it and create some chaos. But then my role changed to being a referee because it was hard to tell who said the word first.
It always amazes me how the simplest gifts make people smile the biggest. Toys and games, and gift cards and clothes, but it never occurred to me how this one box would change the holidays. I had to concede at this one. I should have known. But his aunt knows him better. He even labelled it so no one would take his Lucky Charms.
Merry Christmas... and happy boxing day to all the asians waiting in lines around TO.
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