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tolerate everything in moderation

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Trish's Team

What a great day for a run, and guess who we saw at the 25th anniversary of Terry Fox's marathon of hope. That's Toronto Mayor David Miller in the background there with the white socks and shirt tucked into his shorts. Speaking at the High Park Terry Fox Run. I think he lives nearby. So anyone in the GTA who wants to complain or compliment him. You know the area to cruise around looking for him now.
This is the First Annual Robbinsville NJ Terry Fox Run. And this is the first place finisher. It's like watching the roadrunner. Wyle E. Coyote is on his tail. Or he's got the runs and is looking for a port-o-let FAST! Or it's the best interpretation of why'd the chicken cross the road I've ever seen.
Here's some of the junior members of Trish's team. They did 10 K believe it or not. The Timmins kids did it too, in the rain. And Nie called me after her run too. She thought it was just 5k at the Cedarbrae run site, and it turned out to be 10k. She'd never run 10k before. Way to go Nie. It could be a sick day on Monday.
This is Tresa's friend Anthony, we ran into him at the run. And he's a transplant patient survivor. 25 years ago he had a bone marrow transplant, and still going strong, dragonboating, running and living life.
Under Kieran's bib it says Team Captain.
Owen and Kitty, the other members of Trish's Team in High Park. And there's others from Winnipeg like Lori and Dan, and the east enders from Markham, Pickering/Ajax and west enders from Oakville/Mississauga and the lone wolf from NJ who helped us to make people aware and raise as much money as we did in 6 quick days.
FYI, we raised online almost $1300.00, this doesn't include the pledges offline at run sites. I was thinking that with the time we had, we'd probably only raise about 1000 bucks. But we exceeded it by 30%. Pretty good, people. Give yourselves a pat on the back.
This is where we started the Terry Fox Run. Our street about 4k from the park. But thanks to our neighbour Joe who gave us a ride in his minivan, we made it in time for Mayor Miller's speech. Otherwise we'd have made in time to watch him finish.
I didn't know they were doing this, but they gave certificates to all the runners. So we commemorated Kieran's first Terry Fox run as part of Trish's Team. You get a sticker for every year.
Nie got one too, it'll be the first and last time she does 10k. She'll look for a 5k route next year.
This was the start and finish line. BTW Joanne, there was a bbq afterwards at the high park one too. It's on the right, just off the photo.

Follow this link for more photos of the 2005 Terry Fox Run

This is from my cousin Trish:
Hi Ray & Tresa (& other members of Trish's Team)

I wish you guys all the best as you run today. I appreciate so much, your effort and determination to help me and others with cancer. This whole week has had me in awe of all the awesome support received by my family and even people I don't know. It's truly fabulous to know that there are huge hearts willing to give & to fight for this cause and other causes. It really means so much to me as it keeps my spirits up which means I continue to dig in and fight this thing! Thank you so much & have a fun, safe day out there!

Love you,
