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tolerate everything in moderation

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Two Weddings and ...

a Baby Einstein video. We've been trying to re-introduce the bottle as well as formula. Hey whatever works. He doesn't seem to like Enfalac or the Similac stuff, so maybe it's just the bottle nipple he doesn't like. We don't normally feed him like this, but he was freaking out and Baby Einstein seems to do the trick.
Two weddings in two weekends. First a hindu wedding on the same day as the Scotia Waterfront Marathon, down at Ontario Place Atlantis. Well parking was a bit of confusion. We had to park on the CNE grounds since we couldn't get across the street.
These pics were taken on day 2 of the wedding. And I think this was the express version. And don't worry about being late for these sorts of weddings. Cuz the ceremony was 2 hours late. Apparently this is the norm. Even the chauffeur was late to pick them up. Might as well have taken the TTC. At one point we were rationing gum for nourishment.
Click this link for more photos of Charul and Ramesh's Wedding

So now we had a Chinese wedding this past weekend. Our good friend Johnny was getting married. FOR REAL. This wasn't staged or anything. Apparently they had been together for nine years. And in all that time, we've met Janet once. And that was at our wedding 3 years ago. For a long time we just thought it was myth, some urban legend. When a girlfriend reference came up we thought he always meant Jake. But Janet is for real and through thick and thin and a bit of nervousness on Johnny's part (stuttering while saying his vows), they made it to the alter and beyond.
Even this little guy was there. Not Kieran, the other guy. Well he had no choice, he was the best man. And he wasn't feeling bitter for losing his best friend. Things won't change anyways.
So here's the proof, Johnny's finally married. And we've gotten to meet Janet for the second time in 9 years. WOO HOO! It's like a sign from above, or Haley's comet is approaching earth again. Kieran was so excited he pooped a massive one in his diaper right in the middle of the service. One of those "Up the back" ones. I've got the photo to prove it too.
The food was good, papa loves seafood. That's cause mama hates seafood. But she did manage to try the crab claw, as long as it was soaked in vinegar. And there was no way she was going to fall for "that's not abalone it's processed chicken" trick.
No way, Johnny isn't all that. They were playing a game with an egg. A hard boiled egg.
We were at the new parents table, with Dave, Binh and Karen and Richard. But only we brought our kid. We were at the table by ourselves so we had plenty of food. More than we could handle and so we shared it with the other young folks in the table beside us. I should have taken a pic of the old fogies table beside us. They cleaned up. Booze and all.
But Kieran was really tired at the end of the night. No matter how loud the DJ was cranking the tunes, or Billy's cold hands. This kid was out for the count. Thanks to Helen. Must be that hot asian blood.

Click this link for more photos of Johnny and Janet's wedding