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tolerate everything in moderation

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Kevin's gone home

Oct 2014
The street cat that many who passed by thought was ours, has found himself a new home.  This cat had lots of homes.  He's slept at our place, next door, but most of the time he was outside, under a chair or table or inside a shed.  He was tough, and had the scars to prove it.

Sept 2015
This cat was the best pet that was never ours.  Sure we'd often feed him, give him some chicken, milk, cat treats, and even cat food.  And it wasn't just us, he was neighbourhood pet for at least 4 other homes, that I knew of.  He didn't venture far from his hood maybe it's cuz he knew he had a good territory, but I've seen him wandering around other streets.  And on Halloween he's hung out with me while giving out candy, and people have asked if he was our cat because he visits them.  But this cat didn't belong to us.  He's got many humans, but his original human was our neighbour at the end of the street.

He wasn't always looking to be fed.  Sometimes he would just like to rub up next to you and hang out.  When I first saw him, he wasn't skittish.  But he would never come into the house.  I had to coax him in with treats.  I would lay a trail that went inside the house.   And he would look at that door to ensure he had an exit.   If it was raining buckets outside, he'd lie down across the front door opening.  He'd get a bit damp, but he wouldn't come inside.   He kept me company when I was renovating the main floor and the laundry room.  I'd be out on the front porch taking a break and he's wander over and I'd hand feed him some treats.  He was so friendly.  I'd never had a cat as a pet.  I never really considered a pet cat.  This one was easy.

Eventually he grew to trust me.  And soon he'd wait to come into our house and make himself at home.  He learned his spot was in the hallway close to the door.  And came to know the milk was kept in the fridge.

He did spend 1 cold -30 deg C winter night inside though.  It was the 1st and last time.  We weren't sure what he'd mark inside our home.  So T didn't get much sleep worrying about that.  And he would prefer to be outdoors.  We know he had some home in a shed.  But it's not heated.  He would have frozen his ear tips off.  But every year he survives.  Never goes to the vet, supplements his diet of scraps from various homes, with birds he's killed.  He's also killed a few bunnies, a squirrel and big rat.  

This cat was a hunter.  You'd see him walking across fence tops following potential prey.  I've seen him perched in front of our neighbour's big pine tree.  Then he'd pounce in to its middle and a million birds would evacuate!  

I've seen him play with a live mouse in the middle of the street.  I could see its tail wiggling.  He'd let it out and pounce on it again.  Toying with it.  I have seen him kill a squirrel on our lawn.  I saw the squirrel hanging around the tree, and Kevin was lying there minding his own business.  I literally went to the garage and a came back to the front and it was like a lioness with it's teeth in the jugular of a gazelle.  It was gross.   Then he left it there for me.  Awesome.  He's left us with several gifts over the years that he's killed to let us know he's appreciated us and his other humans.

Everyone kinda took care of him.  Brushed him, fed him, sheltered him, gave him affection, meds even, and nursed him when he was wounded.

About a month ago, he was looking rough.  And sure enough he had some more battle scars.  Not sure how he got them, but this last one took a lot out of him.  Our neighbour (not Kevin's owner) took him to the vet.  As he had a massive gash under his front leg/belly region.  It was easy to miss.  He was laying around a lot, and it was hot so I thought it was due to the heat.  But I saw him limp from the side table he likes to lie on, to the chair and then I lifted him down to the porch when I filled his bowl with milk and a few ice cubes.

He spent a week in their house, on antibiotics and a cone of shame.
Finally he was back outside free again.
He was laying on our lawn under our cedar tree.  One of his usual places where he snoozes.  The grass is cool and the tree provides shade.
He looked weak.  And our neighbours commented that food he'd normally devour, he'd ignore, choosing instead to stay where he lay.

Then one morning he was lying on our lawn, with a bowl of water next to him in case he was thirsty.  Then he left.  Our next door neighbour was worried he'd be prey.  We all kinda figured that he was going somewhere to be put out to pasture.   But he was a tough kitty.  He always seemed to bounce back.

But not this time.  He'd gone back to his original human owner, back to the first home he ever knew, and passed away a few days later.   He knew his time here on Criscoe was coming to a close.

RIP Kevin - Aug 25, 2024

June 2024

I'll forever have this image of you on our driveway when I would come home from my morning rides.  You're the best pet we never owned.  We'll miss you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rest in peace Kevin

Wed Sep 04, 08:51:00 AM EDT


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Friday, July 12, 2024

Freedom 55

There were these retirement commercials over a decade ago, that depicted a couple heading into early retirement, and their dilemma was choosing Tuscany or Provence, Italy, and then driving the winding roads in a convertible like Thelma and Louise.

I don't see those commercials any more.  Yeah.  Cuz it's a crock of s#!t.  Well the travelling the world and all that imagery.  I realize now that I've hit that Freedom 55 milestone, that it's not about that.  It's always been about - "do I have a choice?"

And it's not just about having enough money to pretend to be like I'm in Oceans 55.  I've managed to take care of my stuff long ago, and set things in motion so I could hopefully have a choice at this stage of my life.  I don't want someone to take care of me.  That's just how I've learned to live my life.  I wanted to always have a choice.  You can't have everything.  Or if you got really lucky.  Maybe you can.  You are one of the fortunate commercial people that have a person bust through the walls and encourage you to dream big.

But most are NOT in that position.  And pinning your hopes on stuff like that can be - not so gud - at a stage when you aren't as good as you once were.  Freedom 55 is setting yourself up so you can take care of yourself.  It may not be like in the commercials, but at the very least, comfortable.  

My response to the question above is - I do have a choice.  I consider myself lucky.  But it's the choices I made along the way that put me where I am - good or not so good.  Remember it's all relative.  Not so good for you might be really good for someone else.

It wasn't always so easy, but effort and perseverance can go a long way.  Having foresight is key, starting early, investing in yourself.  All clichés, but all relevant.  I didn't wait for things to happen, I could be waiting a lifetime.  I knew I needed to make things happen, make connections, try new things.  Sure some things didn't go exactly to plan but still it came out on the positive side.

You try, you fail or things go wrong, you work out a solution,  you learn and move forward.

I realize now, how unimportant many things are.  And the simplest things are the most important.  I get to wake up and see the sunrise.  It's amazing.  I'm a bit groggy at first, but it's a miracle every day.  

I'm fortunate to be where I am, and have the family I have, but also to be healthy and capable.  And more importantly everyone I love is healthy.   It's a blessing that I can share my life with them.  I notice these things more now than ever.

Everything else seems secondary.  It's not about wanting more.  But appreciation of what's within my hands to grasp.  In some cases my toes.  Haha.  Certain peeps will get this.

You can't turn back time no matter what. Live your life while you can live it well.  You have ONE life to live.  Don't bet it on some random numbers.  You can...just don't plan your life on them hitting.

Anonymous Derrick Shebib said...

Loved this.

Sat Jul 13, 08:46:00 AM EDT

Anonymous Ray said...

Glad you liked it. Knowing that makes me happy ☺️.

Sun Jul 14, 03:41:00 PM EDT


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Monday, July 08, 2024

Keeping cool

This week we are at the start of a heat wave.  And although it feels like the central air is properly cooling the house.  It's been too hot for me to sleep up stairs and last night I slept in the basement.

I tried, but I just could not do it.  I would have had heat stroke in my sleep.

4 years ago to the day I called Eugene, to recharge our AC unit.  It shouldn't be like this as it's a closed system.  So we may need to replace our central air some time down the road.  It's 15yrs old now.  And should be good for at least 20yrs.

Seems like we just replaced the old furnace and AC unit that was in our home for 29yrs.  Our furnace works fine.  I could just replace the AC unit.  The plan is to recharge the AC unit if it needs it a few more times, then replace both units in 10yrs.

Eugene just turned 80 a few days ago.   I'm hoping he's around the next time to recharge.  I am unsure how I found him, but he used to fix our old washer and dryer.  The ones that came with our house, that were older than me.

So I know he used to work at Inglis, and there's like 6 deg of separation between him and Tresa's godmother who also worked at Inglis.

But I have had lovely chats with him when he'd come and service something in our house.  He'd tell me what not to get, or what to look for if we needed to replace an appliance.  He would explain to me how the AC unit heat exchange system worked.   And he'd show me how to check that it was working properly.

In any case.  I noticed he didn't bring the same gauges as 4 yrs ago.  He said he forgot them.  These ones are for fridges.  But it was fine.  He was still able to get the job done.

Life's a journey where you meet whoever.  Thanks Eugene.  Good to see you again. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great guy!

Tue Jul 09, 06:55:00 AM EDT

Anonymous Ray said...

He is super. Also he's a minister. I know there are the shady ones, but not Eugene.

Tue Jul 09, 08:31:00 AM EDT


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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Doorways to heaven

After living in this house for 22yrs.  Knowing we wanted new front and side doors.  Finally today was the day.  I honestly didn't know if this day would come in my lifetime.  And I thought we'd get the front door replaced and then I'd be waiting another lifetime for the side door.  But they are both arriving today!

I must be the luckiest person on the planet.  2 for the price of 3 doors.

I know we went to Bauhaus doors, back in early 2000's.  Their doors alone were $5000.00. But doesn't include installation.  Which at today's rates. Seems reasonable for a custom door.   Pandemic pricing caused everything to double or triple. If you are willing to pay that price.  They will raise it.

Like that movie Field of Dreams ... Raise it, and they will Pay.

Our doors were hard to open, well the side door was, and they were leaky.  We could always feel cold air coming from the hallway.  And being solid doors, we always had them open and the storm door latched so that we could get some natural light in the hallway.  After all these years I can now replenish my vitamin-D stores.

I asked every year.  When are we getting doors replaced?  Response - I'm looking.   It wasn't a big deal.  Front door is definitely leaky, you can feel the cold air coming through in the winter time. And the side door was a bit hard to open and close.  There was definitely a technique to it. But I could not stand the side storm door.  It was a pain in the behind. 

Our renos are largely done.  I would have preferred to have them all done.  Before installing new doors to prevent any potential scratches or dings.  But the basement is still needing a new door to the laundry & tiles.  What can you do?  This is the way.  I have very little control over this schedule.   My control is limited to - will this ever get done? Not when it gets done.

I thought the process for getting a new door would take months.  As in, they take the old door out, then you have an opening, they measure for new door, then you wait many weeks for door to be manufactured, door is delivered and installed.  

They measured it in April, and 6 wks later it's here and they are removing the old doors and frames as I write this.

What a difference.  I'm used to the old door.  Where I could just pull it behind me and it would lock.  Convenient, but also the reason I've accidentally locked myself out many times.

The side door you could do that, but it was a bit of an issue with the locking mechanism and how it sat in the frame.   I hated the aluminum doors.  They were just a blast from the past.  It made the house have a 80s rental vibe.

The side door is clear.  It's a bit odd at night.  Cuz someone can look right into the house.  But at the same time it's nice because it's clear.

The front has the frosted glass.  It lets light in, but you can't see in or out.  The only thing that needs to be done is the trim on the inside.  We'll figure that out in good time.  Not a big job.

For now, I can enjoy these new door.  Even that robin on the roof approved!

Monday, April 08, 2024

These aren't 3D movie glasses

How cool was that?

The last time I can recall being in an eclipse, I was in Gr 4.  And at grade school and not allowed to go outside and the window curtains were all drawn closed.  And these were those heavy vinyl curtains.  You could shoot a puck at it.

In any case, I didn't see anything back then.

Fast forward to April 8, 2024.  And for the month leading up to the eclipse, there was news of 1M+ visitors making their way to Niagara Falls region, to experience the eclipse and Falls at the same time!  Along with that was news of sky high room fees during this once in a many decades global event.

The eclipse was to start shortly after 2pm local time and last for just shy of 2.5hrs.

I wasn't sure what to expect.  I wasn't sure whether the protective glasses from Amazon were legit.  
They looked like 3D movie glasses, but once I got them in my hands, these were much much darker.  You couldn't see anything unless you were looking up at the sun.  

Watching the morning weather, I wasn't sure if I would see anything again this time around either, as they were forecasting cloud coverage for the duration of the afternoon and wouldn't clear until well after the eclipse.  I thought .. Oh well that was a waste of money for the glasses.

Toronto - 2:20PM ET
TO - 2:20PM
But determined to not let this opportunity slip by, I went outside at a few mins past 2pm local Toronto ON, time to see if the clouds would clear and I could see anything.

And somehow it did.  It was super nice out.  

And as I tried the glasses on, and could see the amazing image of the moon taking a small bite out of the sun.  The moon was starting to nibble at the bottom of the sun.  I was amazed and fortunate to witness this in real time.

Totality - Montreal
Totality - Montreal
T had called me just as it was starting.  I told her to hurry home.  But clouds rolled in and blocked out the sun, and was noticeably chilly about 30mins after the eclipse started.  I was disappointed that she wouldn't be able to see what I just saw.

I took my first photo at 2:20pm ET. I thought that was as much as we'd get to see as clouds came rolling in.  And felt lucky to get that shot.

But as totality approached at 3:20pm ET, we noticed how dark it got.  Even the street lamps came on.  

Totality - Brantford

And as the moon began to make exit from blocking the sun.  The clouds began to dissipate, we were amazed at how quickly it warmed up, and we could now see the sliver of the sun behind the moon. 

It was an incredible sight to see.  We called our neighbour out so she wouldn't miss out.

Photos came in on the chat of the total eclipse and it was crazy to see.  I was wow'd and grateful for the real time sharing of photos of the event.

We were glued to the phone to see what pics were coming in from all over the region.
TO - 3:32PM

I took some photos with my phone using the glasses as a filter.   It wasn't so easy as the camera would focus on the filter surface.  But somehow it turned out.  The ones that appear more reddish are using the glasses.

The ones that have more grey and brighter, were filter free, as the clouds provided sufficient shielding.  

As more of the sun appeared from behind the moon, a filter was needed again.

TO - 4PM

Friends and family were all sharing photos from their locations, it was a so cool to have so many people chattering and sharing in this event in real time.

We were showing couriers, dog walkers, neighbours that came by the photos.

It's amazing how a cosmological event can bring so many people together.  What a magical 99.7% day.

Even Kevin was out on the driveway to witness the eclipse.

Monday, March 04, 2024

3rd Times the Charm

We have a robo vacuum.  Actually we have 2, one the main floor and an older model in the basement.  The basement one was the first one I bought about 5 yrs ago.  It was a Black Friday special, pre-COVID.  I thought I'd try it out.  I called my cousin first if she had one.  And she said she's had 5.  She loves them!

It was good, picks up a lot of dust and crumbs.  Our house is all hardwood.  But these things were designed to go over multi-surface areas.  Carpet, tile, hardwood, rugs, cables, socks.  You name it.  It'll go over it.  And likely it'll get caught in the sweeper or the brushes.  What's really cool is that it goes under our stove and cleans up there too.  It works well, it picks up a lot of dust bunnies.  When I empty this the hopper of this unit after about 2 weeks, it's filled. 

This is the iRobot Roomba 671.  And I'd have it scheduled to clean 3x a week.
It's on its back cuz it wasn't working.   And I had to take photos to send to iRobot support.
This is the 3rd thing in our house to malfunction.  That's 3 appliances in our house in retirement mode.

This model used to be on our main floor.  We don't have a large foot print house so it would nearly clean the entire main floor, before it needed to go back to its base to recharge.

It's not an advanced robot.  In fact when I saw how it did its pattern.  I thought it was dumb, it would clean in this is a random star pattern.  It's not very efficient, but it does cover everything.  When it finds a wall though, it'll follow it.  And when it comes to a stair, it'll detect it and not go over.  These are 2 of the smart things it does.  Well a third is when it gets low on battery, it makes its way back to its base to recharge.

One Boxing Day a few years later, I ended up replacing this one on the main floor with another iRobot i3 model that maps the room and does a more linear pattern.  This unit has a hepa filter and is quieter and better suction.  I love it!  What an improvement.  I can schedule the various parts of the main floor to different schedules.  Hallway and Kitchen every day.  Living Room and Dining Room - M, W, Fr.

So I moved the less advanced 671 to the basement.  It's an easier room for it to clean.  It's rectangular and doesn't have many challenges to work around.   And it was effective there.

Recently I noticed it stopped executing it's cleaning schedule.  I checked and it was dead.  Battery wasn't charged.  I put it on the base and the light on the base would flash.  Great.  What did that code mean?

As a test, I put the unit on the upstairs base and it charged.  I put it back downstairs and let it run.  90mins it ran.  Battery was okay.  Turns out the unit itself is good,  It's the base.  Basically the non-robotic part was faulty. 

Not sure if my phone was listening to me.  But I found an i4 model on a really great sale.  So I bought it and if I couldn't get a replacement base 2nd hand, then I'd set up this one in the basement. 

We work out down there and for some reason dust seems to settle in the basement.  So eventually, I put this one on a cleaning schedule for the basement.  It's nice.  HEPA filter, and also a little tower that you activate and it tells the robot to keep away from this spot (2ft radius).  I didn't realize it would be included.

I'm not sure what to do with the 671, it just needs a base.  So I packed up and stored it in the garage and saved it from the rubbish bin for now.

Sunday, March 03, 2024

There's no 'X' in Espresso

We have had to do something things that we hadn't done in nearly 20yrs.  A few weeks ago.  It was ironically the week leading up to Super Bowl.  I went to the basement to turn on the TV, and I didn't hear that regular 'click-click'.  There was nothing.  I did it again and same thing.  Just a blinking RED LED that usually stays solid and indicates it's on.

I unplugged it for some time and then plugged it back in.  Same silence and blinking RED LED.

I Google "panasonic viera plasma not turning on".  
I see search results that are related to the blinking LED - "7 blinks of death error code".  Great, now how do I fix this?  I see the one YouTube video is from 11 years ago.  I'm watching it, and the error code is indicating a board failure.  Awesome.  I have a 16 year old plasma television, that is not just discontinued.  Plasma TVs aren't manufactured by anyone any more!

Even if I were to get a new board somehow, how long will it take and will it even resolve the issue.  I figured after 16 years, it's probably a better bet to buy whatever is current. Now I'm shopping for a new TV and checking what's on sale.  Everything is LCD nowadays.  Should be straightforward.

Nope. There's more types than before.  Everything is all LCD, LED LCDs, OLEDs, QLEDS, QD OLED, micro-OLED, MLA OLED.  Great.  I'm now in research project mode for figuring out what TV to replace our old plasma.  I was hoping to just go through a flyer and see what was on sale and make my decision based on the best percentage off a name brand.

Even the leading brands weren't the same as they were when we purchased our plasmas way back when they were the standard by which all screens were measured.  Back then it was Sony, Panasonic or Sharp, just choose the size of your panel to fit your budget.

Now it's Samsung, LG and Sony.  And then there's different categories of flat panels at varying price points.  So size was just 1 parameter in determining cost of a panel.  It's starts with the type of panel, and then build quality, and size. 

Wait it doesn't stop there! All TVs are smart TVs, with AIs for sound and image, detecting the type of content you are watching - movie, 1080P, 4K, 8K or gaming - So Cray-gee!  You can install apps like Netflix or Amazon Prime, other apps may or may not be available on that TV's OS / App Store.

When we got our original Panasonic Viera plasma for the basement it was a 55 inch.  That was a bit of a compromise on size vs cost.  As the 65 inch would have fit, and looked nicer in the room (maybe it also has to do with our eyes getting older), but it was also a big jump in price.  So this time around I went for the 65 inch as well as an OLED as that is a superior panel to the lower end LED LCDs panel TVs.  OLEDs also cost more.

The only remaining debate was which brand was the best quality.  My short list I had Samsung, LG & Sony.  Not necessarily in that order.  What I found out that OLEDs were invented by LG.  And Samsung although arguably the standard in TVs today, buys their OLED panels from LG, so does Sony.  To make a long story short.  We got a new LG C3 OLED TV and it's brilliant!  I love it.  At the end of the day, you could have flipped a coin and it would have been a good choice.  The fact LG makes the panels and they have a cool magic remote.  And the interface was nice looking.  I'm not a fan of the Samsung UI.  Sony uses Google so that was a +1 for Sony.  But I eventually went for the LG.

We were sad to see this TV go, mostly cuz I was reluctant to shell out the bills for a new TV, that I was unsure of its performance and reliability.  The Panny had a great run, and had been performing terrific.  No issues until this fatal one.  

Disposing of it, can be a challenge as the plasma TV is quite heavy (requiring 2 people to remove it from the wall) in comparison to the newer flat panels.   Mounting the new TV on the wall was a piece of cake, this new TV was 14kg, easily a 1 person job.

Hopefully we get 10+years out of this new TV.  And BTW the image from it is beautiful.

Bringing us to our other appliance that was looking like it was going to follow the plasma to the rubbish bin.  Our Breville espresso machine has been with us since we renmodeled the kitchen almost 10 years ago.  It's been a used multiple times daily.  And it has been old reliable.  

But I noticed that the pressure needle was not moving.  I thought it might've been the gauge was broke.  But on occasion I'd see the needle jump to the 'espresso zone'.  So ruled out a malfunctioning gauge and that it wasn't ready for pasture just yet.
In any case, the other day, I couldn't even produce a double shot of espresso.  No matter how many times I pressed the double shot button, it would not flow.  The Breville had been acting this way for about a month now, and I'd been shopping online for a replacement, and they are more than 70 inch LED TVs.  Even on sale, it's more than double the reg price when we bought it in 2015.

But as I was googling the low pressure flow issue of the Breville, search results returned how to replace the pump, and how to troubleshoot and clean the unit.  A new pump was about $50.00.  Which wasn't a whole lot, and I figured I would give it a try and replace the pump.  Beats the price of a brand new unit.   And it was the same mfg.

The work was purely effort.  It's not hard to open up the unit and as long as there wasn't any other issues like melted tubes or o-rings, it's basically cleaning and descaling.  There are many videos that show how to do a complete cleaning job.  It's regular maintenance.  But more than the running of the clean cycle with the tablets.

The Breville espresso machines are high quality and reliable units.  Ours has been going for 10 yrs before we began having issues and made the decision to replace the pump.   I'd buy another in a heartbeat.

The reason I felt the pump was needing to be replaced was sometimes, I wouldn't hear the pump working at all.  And the hot water spout would sputter like it wasn't getting any water.  It used to come out like a stream. So I think it was a combination of clogged tubes and a worn out pump.

Replacing the pump was surprisingly easy.  A few screws, zip ties and tubes to disconnect and reconnect.  It went with only 1 hitch.  The pump sounded like it was brand new.  It's almost 10 yrs newer.  But the flow was the same.  A trickle.  Hmm.  So off came the back cover again, and I began checking all the hoses and connections before and after the pump.  I made sure they were clear of obstructions and weren't clogged.  Blowing air through it as a test.

The tube from the pump to the boiler was especially difficult to blow air through.  One video showed how to remove the head where the portafilter locks into.  Underneath ours was caked with coffee.  It was clogging up the port where the water flows out.  I managed to scrape it off and clean as best as I could. 

I gave it a try.  I was hopeful that this would work.   I was thrilled to see the water flowing like it was Niagara Falls.  It was working like the day we first got it and started making espresso coffees at home.  Two Thumbs UP!

I didn't want to see this old friend go to landfill, and very glad that tomorrow morning I'll be enjoying my regular espresso.  I'm very glad to save at least 1 old appliance from the bin. I was able to give it a new heart that hopefully extends its lifespan many more years.

Blogger Craig U said...

Nice to see how elbow grease makes good espresso.

Mon Mar 04, 02:56:00 AM EST


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