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tolerate everything in moderation

Saturday, April 22, 2017

You know the Dryl - 12th Birthday

It didn't start off so hot.  The day before Kieran was puffy like the Michelin man.  Except just his face.

What a way to start off your birthday.
And Earth Day.

Felt bad for him.  Never seen his face puff up so much.
Was really hoping his allergies would cool down.
Taking shots every week, now he's at the monthly maintenance.  And yet he ends up looking like he went through 10 rounds with Manny Pacquiao.  Or more like PvZ Peashooter was shooting him in the face, then lawnmowered him.

Tomorrow doesn't look much better.
Or the next day.

We should have made his cake out of Benadryl.

But the day got better, and better.  It was beautiful out.  Also busy on the roads.  DVP was closed for maintenance. Good times!

Friends were coming over to play games.
Kieran got to go to the Cheese Boutique.
And I got a sous-chef helping me prepare the fresh spring rolls.  And share in my efforts when I get orders for these.
Well not pain.  It's just labour intensive when you need to make enough for more than 3 people.  If I had to make enough for 20, i'd order take out! Or make it a Bring Your Own Spring Roll dinner.  The sauce is easy to make.

You can come over any time you text the request for me to make these Sonal.  It was so much better.  I'll have to get more noodles and wraps.

But I get the reason why it's frequent request item.  The only thing cooked is the noodles. Everything else is fresh.  It's like the first time i had Gazpacho.  I didn't think i would like cold soup, but it's good.

The games family was coming!  I learn a new game every time we get together.  I also forget the game every time we get together.  Note this site: boardgamegeek.com
Song is a power user on it.

I now wished i had taken some pics of the telustrations drawings.

That game I really like!
Cheaters never prosper! You know who you are.
The Telustrations police will get you!
And who could not get a drawing of a baby with a plunger on it's head?

Or Head + Butt?
or Animal Kingdom duck fighting mammoth?

But I like that werewolf game.
It was pretty fun.
I get it now.
I will forget it soon if I don't get to play it again in the next 48hrs.

Good thing they excluded the year on this birthday cake.
Just saying!
So much food.
And so glad I installed a dishwasher.
This was going to be a no fuss day.
Cuz Tresa said so.
Which means "No one else FUSS but me, and do what i say"
It also means "Don't use up all the hot water! so I can wash the sweat off from fussing all day"
we need a bigger table.
along with a couch and chairs.  And a new battery for that 9:32pm clock.
But all in good time.
But I'm glad I had to get up.  Sitting around and eating would anchor me down like a Plant and make me feel like a stuffed Zombie.

We're all in this one, but my big head is doing a partial total eclipse impersonation.

Happy 12th Birthday!

Can you tell what Tresa drew?  It's PvZ.
When she asked me for a theme, that's what I said.  But she said it doesn't rhyme.
Sure it does.

Twelve Peashooters in a Pod, and Twelve Zombies shot into sod.
It rhymes.

Monday, April 03, 2017

OOAK Birthday

It's the Spring One of A Kind Sale and Show.
And this is the view from the Uber driver shuttle that's bringing the OOAK professional to and from the show.

Beautiful day to be driving around town.

You can see the OOAK professional with a client.  She is petitioning to have pack mules at the show at Christmas so that her and her clients can haul more stuff.  And not be slowed down by the weight.

What is in those bags is a mystery, and only when you open up your VISA statement do you get to know the real surprise.  The surprise are the vendor names look like a fraud charge, may feel like a fraud charge.  But unfortunately they're legit.

You need to book her well in advance to get the A1 tour of the OOAK show.  This comes complete with b-line paths to all the vendors.  This isn't a straight line or even the fastest route, it's the line a bee would choose in a severe wind storm and rain, before it dies of sheer exhaustion.

She will introduce you to each and every artist in the show.  Even ones you do not care about.

And every deal is good, as long as it's not on her credit card.

dreams can come true

Happy Birthday to the OOAK professional.

Blogger Nie said...

You're too funny! But you describe the professional to a "T".

Tue Apr 04, 10:34:00 AM EDT


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