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tolerate everything in moderation

Friday, July 12, 2024

Freedom 55

There were these retirement commercials over a decade ago, that depicted a couple heading into early retirement, and their dilemma was choosing Tuscany or Provence, Italy, and then driving the winding roads in a convertible like Thelma and Louise.

I don't see those commercials any more.  Yeah.  Cuz it's a crock of s#!t.  Well the travelling the world and all that imagery.  I realize now that I've hit that Freedom 55 milestone, that it's not about that.  It's always been about - "do I have a choice?"

And it's not just about having enough money to pretend to be like I'm in Oceans 55.  I've managed to take care of my stuff long ago, and set things in motion so I could hopefully have a choice at this stage of my life.  I don't want someone to take care of me.  That's just how I've learned to live my life.  I wanted to always have a choice.  You can't have everything.  Or if you got really lucky.  Maybe you can.  You are one of the fortunate commercial people that have a person bust through the walls and encourage you to dream big.

But most are NOT in that position.  And pinning your hopes on stuff like that can be - not so gud - at a stage when you aren't as good as you once were.  Freedom 55 is setting yourself up so you can take care of yourself.  It may not be like in the commercials, but at the very least, comfortable.  

My response to the question above is - I do have a choice.  I consider myself lucky.  But it's the choices I made along the way that put me where I am - good or not so good.  Remember it's all relative.  Not so good for you might be really good for someone else.

It wasn't always so easy, but effort and perseverance can go a long way.  Having foresight is key, starting early, investing in yourself.  All clichés, but all relevant.  I didn't wait for things to happen, I could be waiting a lifetime.  I knew I needed to make things happen, make connections, try new things.  Sure some things didn't go exactly to plan but still it came out on the positive side.

You try, you fail or things go wrong, you work out a solution,  you learn and move forward.

I realize now, how unimportant many things are.  And the simplest things are the most important.  I get to wake up and see the sunrise.  It's amazing.  I'm a bit groggy at first, but it's a miracle every day.  

I'm fortunate to be where I am, and have the family I have, but also to be healthy and capable.  And more importantly everyone I love is healthy.   It's a blessing that I can share my life with them.  I notice these things more now than ever.

Everything else seems secondary.  It's not about wanting more.  But appreciation of what's within my hands to grasp.  In some cases my toes.  Haha.  Certain peeps will get this.

You can't turn back time no matter what. Live your life while you can live it well.  You have ONE life to live.  Don't bet it on some random numbers.  You can...just don't plan your life on them hitting.

Anonymous Derrick Shebib said...

Loved this.

Sat Jul 13, 08:46:00 AM EDT

Anonymous Ray said...

Glad you liked it. Knowing that makes me happy ☺️.

Sun Jul 14, 03:41:00 PM EDT


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Monday, July 08, 2024

Keeping cool

This week we are at the start of a heat wave.  And although it feels like the central air is properly cooling the house.  It's been too hot for me to sleep up stairs and last night I slept in the basement.

I tried, but I just could not do it.  I would have had heat stroke in my sleep.

4 years ago to the day I called Eugene, to recharge our AC unit.  It shouldn't be like this as it's a closed system.  So we may need to replace our central air some time down the road.  It's 15yrs old now.  And should be good for at least 20yrs.

Seems like we just replaced the old furnace and AC unit that was in our home for 29yrs.  Our furnace works fine.  I could just replace the AC unit.  The plan is to recharge the AC unit if it needs it a few more times, then replace both units in 10yrs.

Eugene just turned 80 a few days ago.   I'm hoping he's around the next time to recharge.  I am unsure how I found him, but he used to fix our old washer and dryer.  The ones that came with our house, that were older than me.

So I know he used to work at Inglis, and there's like 6 deg of separation between him and Tresa's godmother who also worked at Inglis.

But I have had lovely chats with him when he'd come and service something in our house.  He'd tell me what not to get, or what to look for if we needed to replace an appliance.  He would explain to me how the AC unit heat exchange system worked.   And he'd show me how to check that it was working properly.

In any case.  I noticed he didn't bring the same gauges as 4 yrs ago.  He said he forgot them.  These ones are for fridges.  But it was fine.  He was still able to get the job done.

Life's a journey where you meet whoever.  Thanks Eugene.  Good to see you again. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great guy!

Tue Jul 09, 06:55:00 AM EDT

Anonymous Ray said...

He is super. Also he's a minister. I know there are the shady ones, but not Eugene.

Tue Jul 09, 08:31:00 AM EDT


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